PT. Wiraguna Jaya Makmur is a fishery company that located in Muara Angke Fishing Port Area Block C No. 6, North Jakarta, Indonesia. Our company has been operating since 2020 as a supplier of frozen fishery products for domestic and international markets. Our main products are frozen cephalopod (squid, cuttlefish, soft cuttlefish, octopus), frozen demersal (black pomfret, white pomfret, red snapper, grouper),  and frozen pelagic (mackerel). Supported by our own fishing boat, cold storage and skillful worker, we committed to give the best quality product that can fulfill market needs.  


PT. Wiraguna Jaya Makmur has good production facilities and infrastructure that can support maintaining the good quality of our product. In our cold storage, we have 6 main room including: four frozen warehouse storage rooms, one air blast freezer room, one production room. For production facilities we have two vacuum machines, one metal detector and one conveyor that can help production and stuffing activities more efficient. 


PT. Wiraguna Jaya Makmur has managed to build a good reputation in the field of business at home and abroad, for that we have completed the establishment and implementation of various food safety assurance systems. Below are the food safety certificates that we already have: